Fall Schedule 2024

Genius Overview

Why Genius Academy for your afterschool program

· Provide the best education services - Learning center with private school quality -Through professional teacher training to augment the quality of real teachers How do we empower our students to achieve remarkable success? Interactive lectures more than worksheets writing Deep thinking Project-based learning Classwork: return home, expect completion in approx. 4-6 weeks Homework: unfinished classwork, practice at home Free office hours: ensuring no student is left behind genius academy What do we provide? Courses: - Language Arts: Writing, Reading Comprehension, Literature, and Public Speaking - Math: K to 4th grade (one year ahead of school) 5th to 8th grade (one and half years ahead of school) Math Sharpener - Chinese: Traditional and simplified - Little Actors Workshop (Mandarin) - Innovation Lab (STEM-based) - Digital Media - Private tutoring How do you know about your child’s performance? • Monthly newsletter • Progress Report • Meetup with subject teachers • Back to School Night • Communicate with parents by e-mail Events: -Open House -Back to School Night -Meetup with teachers -English Speech Contest -Chinese Speech Contest -Math Competition -Educational Seminars


    Help your children learn the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century! Come to our office at 1606 S. DeAnza Blvd. San Jose, CA 95129 and sign up your classes at Genius Academy from K grade to 8th Grade.




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